Publisher's Synopsis
Trying to save a twisted owl, in D.C. woodlands, three old friends find adventure, humor, and hope. (Beautifully Illustrated)
Many miles of woods grow inside the D.C. beltway. The forest here, along the Potomac River, is home to a variety of wildlife, including the humans-- "We call Erik the 'White Devil' not because he's a bad guy, not really, but because an elderly lady semi-affectionately dubbed him with the title. It fit, all too well, not only his very-white appearance but also his sometimes-questionable morality and his devilish tendency to laugh, without regard, at human failings others do NOT find funny. He's even been known to tempt others' vices-taking pastries to fat people, cigarettes to smokers, insults to the irritable, hard liquor to heavy drinkers.... Some quirk in Erik compelled him to find sport in the weaknesses of others." But, this situation with the Twisted, Young Owl was different-- "Listen!" Erik insisted. "I was joggin' on the trail, along the ridge by Cabin John Creek, when right in front of me runs this fox. Middle a the afternoon! So, I look around and I see these two owls flappin', screamin', scarin' it off, ya know? Sterling nodded politely as we listened to Erik's rapid, spirited tale. Erik almost whispered this next bit, "Then, there he is, on the ground--this young owl. Big! Like, not a baby but not an adult, ya know? And there's somethin' weird about him!" Deadly serious and clearly stumped, Erik stared at us in silence." "I don't know," I said, "some kind of owl distemper or rabies, maybe. Fear alone--" "No!" Erik yelled loud enough to be heard for a quarter mile. "The owl's twisted somehow! He was kinda looking at me, but his head's all cocked. It's up-side down! It's NOT NORMAL!" The White Devil & the Twisted, Young Owl is the second short story in Megan's Mostly-True Stories series. (The first is The Great Aunt Alice Collection.) Author Megan Schreiber-Carter is a third-generation native of the Pennsylvania Wilds' Allegheny Mountains.