Publisher's Synopsis
Buried for decades beneath a whole pile of ancient electronics, this book comes to you as a "found manuscript." Your Editor happened to find it in some cybertronic closet, covered with imaginary pixel dust. Upon prying it open, after coughing, he discovered that it tells an old preposterous but humorous tale of adventure, involving an even older-but much more famous-footrace known as the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run (WSER). The strange-and similarly uncovered-author of this crazy stuff was named Pecos Phooey.
The fate of Phooey remains a mystery. What is known is that he actually entered that ultramarathon and finished it (perhaps surprisingly) and for a whole year afterwards he was posting bits and pieces to what was then known as an online "chatroom." As your Editor is fond of punning, "Phooey on those bits and pieces; he wanted you to feast on the whole enchilada!" Which accounts for this book. Mostly though, the enchilada had been pretty well focused on one ultra-fine "Chiquita" wearing eye-poppingly minuscule short blue shorts. Also (but not surprisingly) Phooey was behind her all the way. Oh, there's just one more thing in and amongst all the laughter and good times: There remains still to this day some "hidden controversy" about the WSER that Phooey himself never knew. So it's a good thing this thing found a good Editor! At the end of the book, then, that controversy is fully examined. Anyone contemplating this event truly deserves to know more than all this Phooey!