Publisher's Synopsis
A Historic Novel About The Lady Bridge Keeper In The At The Longford Swing Bridge Victoria Australia.This Book is Dedicated In Loving memory of Eliza Flint (Ball). And Her Late Husband James Flint From The British Navy In 1852 to1860 And Their Families.Eliza Flint (Ball) was the First ever Lady Bridge Keeper On board The Swing Bridge In Gippsland From 1891 to 1893 when it was very rare for a married woman to work, like Eliza in the workforce, in Gippsland and on the Swing Bridge.Eliza Flint was the third bridge keeper who worked on the swing bridge in Gippsland in the 1800's. Eliza had no trouble in swinging the bridge in the 1800's even though the bridge's weight is said to be 130 tones. Eliza sometimes opened up the Swing Bridge so much as 20 times a day for the Local Steamers in the 1800's such as The Tanjil, The Omeo And The Dargo and the J.C.D. Steamers.As a bridge keeper Eliza lived at the Swan Hotel at the Latrobe Landing where she held the Licensee for the Swan Hotel for many years during her marriage to James Flint. In 1888 after James's Passing in 1886 Eliza Remarried and Married Richard Ball. Eliza had serival children In her life time when she was married. During her marriage to James Flint she had two son's. Richard one of her son's also ran the swan hotel between 1898 to 1899 with Eliza during the shipping area at the Latrobe Wharf and settlement around the Swing Bridge.