Publisher's Synopsis
Armchair fiction presents extra-large paperback editions of the best in classic science fiction novels. Classic science fiction the Barsoomian way. In this, the third installment of Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic Martian series, American John Carter puts his life on the line to rescue his beloved wife, Dejah Thoris, Princess of Mars, from the nefarious plans of his Martian enemies. His adventures take him all over the surface of Mars. It seems that his cunning adversaries always leave him one frantic step behind, leaving the key question...can he rescue her in time. If you are an aficionado of old fashioned science fiction adventure, then this Armchair Fiction edition is for you, coming complete with the original Burroughs text, a beautiful full color graphic cover, a short bio-blurb on Edgar Rice Burroughs, and a gallery of many of the original "Warlord of Mars" book and magazine covers-some going all the way back to 1913!