Publisher's Synopsis
Fact-packed Vietnam War book for teens & also adults - this is a must read!
The Vietnam War for Teens will give you more than just the dates, facts, and figures; it will fill in the stories of what happened in one of the most complex wars in modern history, whose legacy still echoes through the world today.
The Vietnam War for Teens will give you all you need to know, including:
- Vietnam's colonial past and the road to conflict.
- The Cold War and the start of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
- Who was involved and what were their aims.
- The key events, battle and turning points of the war, along with statistics and incredible stories of heroism.
- Life as a soldier in the harsh jungle environment..
- The war back home and the anti-war movement.
- Social changes in American and the counter-culture movement.
- The U.S. withdrawal and the fall of Saigon.
- The legacy of the war - Vietnam Syndrome and U.S. foreign policy.
So, grab a seat, and let's dive into a story about courage, mistakes, heartbreak, and hope. Because the Vietnam War isn't just history - it's a story that still matters!
Also, look out for these add-ons throughout the book with some incredible extra insights into the war:
- The average age of American soldiers in Vietnam was just 19!
- 2 million marched in protest against the war in October 1969!
Strap on your helmet, tighten your boots, and find out all you can about the period in history that changed America and left its mark on the world!