Publisher's Synopsis
HEALTH WARNING: This parody may prove harmful for thin-skinned snowflakes, anyone inclined to irrational bouts of political correctness, Trump supporters, and crotchety old, white, Christian conservatives.
Riffing off of Eric Carle's beloved children's book classic, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, D Trumple Thinskin's latest illustrated master-pastiche, The Very Angry Caterwauler, grabs childhood innocence by the short hairs as it shanghais us on a forced revisitation of the swamp gas over-inflated rise of the Neon Balloon / Golden Buffoon / Cheddar Baboon / Orange Goon. From immodest beginnings in an upscale Queen's townhouse, through a violent childhood and racist upbringing, to an audaciously nauseating candidacy, and finally to an inexplicable (some say illegitimate) election to the throne of the United States Presidency. Released on the eve of his 200th day in office, The Very Angry Caterwauler is proving to be more biographically accurate than the liberal main stream media, more factually correct than alternative facts, and even more scorching than Fire and Fury. Highly recommended with a warm glass of milk and the strongest narcotic legally available. The paperback also makes a great gag gift for that bleeding heart liberal, raving conservative, or alt-right white supremacist in your life. Also be sure to look for D. Trumple Thinskin's other titles, including Goodnight Moron, a brash bedtime nightmare - er, story - about Drumph's worst hundred daze - sorry, first hundred days - in office.