The Verne Legacy

The Verne Legacy

Paperback (15 Dec 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Richard Pours, Philadelphia resident and new college grad, is excited to find his first job. But despite his 4.0 GPA, master's degree, and secret photographic memory, no one will hire him--until a mysterious letter arrives offering him $300,000 to be the recorder on an expedition. Stranger yet, when he arrives for his interview, he doesn't have to convince anyone that he is right for the job.

After his unusual interview, Richard is whisked away to meet his travel companions. An impressive mix of doctors specializing in a variety of sciences--and a musician--will accompany Richard on his expedition, which will take them to lands unseen since the dawn of time. The voyage has barely begun when Richard discovers that he's not the only one aboard who has unique abilities--and the uncanny similarities between him and his colleagues don't end there.

Book information

ISBN: 9781634138987
Publisher: Salem Publishing Solutions
Imprint: Mill City Press, Inc
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 228
Weight: 340g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 13mm