Publisher's Synopsis
The final chapter of A Drunkard's Journey races to its conclusion. Zhy, Fanlas, Wrenflang, and a host of strangely-named characters speed westward. Their goal: To find and to blow up the viaduct to the demonic underworld. But can it be destroyed? Meanwhile, Bimb finds himself dead-but-not-quite-dead. Since it helps the plot, he can't be gone forever. Plus, he still has a hell of a big mess to clean up, a mess of his own making. Dead, but able to control certain forces of nature, Ar'Zoth's usurper can either make things right or destroy the world. A few Beldeners have decided to strike out at the demons. Some will have success, but others will die horribly. The Untying is a fast, action-packed conclusion to the trilogy. Questions are answered, knots are sewn up, and men become heroes. Except... in bringing about the conclusion, there is one knot that needs to be untied.