Publisher's Synopsis
"The Ultimate Yogurt Culinary Cookbook" is really the ul-timate cooking guide. This is the best cookbook available on the market and you should get your hands on a copy as soon as possible.
Yogurt is considered to be one of the most popular ingredi-ents and it's for a good reason. Yogurt is very tasty, tex-tured and creamy and there are so many wonderful dishes you can make with it. You might think that yogurt can only be served as a quick breakfast or snack but we are here to make you change your mind! "The Ultimate Yogurt Culinary Cookbook" is the recipe col-lection that will change the way you use yogurt. From marinades, sauces or dressings to appetizers, breakfasts and desserts, you will learn to love the rich flavor, tex-ture and benefits that the yogurt brings to you. Enjoy the delicious dishes we have gathered here for you. This cookbook offers you simple steps for creating culinary feasts using such an awesome ingredient. Have fun and en-joy some great dishes for the whole family!