Publisher's Synopsis
You've spent a lifetime being moulded into one of the 99.9%. Now discover what most entrepreneurs will never know - how to become one of the Top 0.1%.No-one enters entrepreneurial life to own a job. No one consciously chooses to struggle, to be average, to spend an entire career wallowing in abject mediocrity and underachievement.No-one deliberately sets out to create the business that consumes a life, working harder and harder for longer and longer, just to maintain a reasonable standard of living.So why do millions of bright, well-intentioned business owners live this reality every day?Christian Simpson knows the answer, and now he's revealing all in a book that will change EVERYTHING for you - IF you let it.This book reveals the startling truths you need to grasp if you're to avoid the crippling conformity of following the "norm". It reveals the not-so-secret secret most business owners will never know - how to lift you, your business, and your quality of life way above the mainstream by transforming how you think and act into your results.You'll discover why most of us are so ill-equipped to create astonishingly successful, self-multiplying, self-managing businesses - and how to undo all the damage.You'll realise the Top 0.1% is much closer than you think it is - and you'll come to understand how a vital and fundamental shift in your perspective will put you on an accelerated trajectory to join this elite group of entrepreneurial achievers.This first book in Christian Simpson's "4 Pillars of Mastery(TM)" series is packed from cover to cover with tried, tested, and proven strategies for outstanding entrepreneurial success. The principles laid out in this book have transformed the business and personal lives of thousands of business owners in over 160 countries. Now it's your turn...