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The Ultimate Dinosaur

The Ultimate Dinosaur Past, Present, Future

New Edition

Paperback (30 Dec 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"What were the dinosaurs? What was the world like in which they lived? What ended their 150-million-year reign? What if they had survived? The World of Dinosaurs Revealed. A collaboration to excite the mind and dazzle the eye, probing such mysteries as: Where the first dinosaurs appeared and how they evolved. How the giant sauropods lived and reared their young. Hunting strategies among the predators. Migratory habits and family life of the dinosaurs. Possible causes of extinction and much more... An extraordinary new look at the prehistoric life of the dinosaurs by some of the worlds foremost paleontologists, dinosaur illustrators, and visionary authors. This unique collaboration produces a spectacular tour of the world of the dinosaurs with vivid pictures, fascinating new ideas and thought-provoking tales by a dozen respected dreamers."

Book information

ISBN: 9780743400060
Publisher: Brick Tower Press
Imprint: ibooks
Pub date:
Edition: New Edition
DEWEY: 567.9
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 429
Weight: 684g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 25mm