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The Tube Amp Book

The Tube Amp Book

New deluxe Revised Edition

Paperback (30 Jan 2006)

  • $68.45
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Publisher's Synopsis

Already known as the bible of tubes and tube amps ÊThe Tube Amp BookÊ is now even better! This deluxe revised edition contains 40% new material with a comprehensive A-Z section covering all the great tube amp manufacturers with histories photos and information. Brands include Ampeg Dr. Z Fender Gibson Hiwatt Marshall Matchless Mesa/Boogie Orange Vox Watkins and many others. Features online access to 800 available schematic and layout diagrams from Ampeg to Western Electric. The book's technical tips in-depth electronic specs and explanations over 350 schematic diagrams and full-color plates make it a must-have for the legions of tube-tone fanatics. Hardcover with convenient enclosed spiral binding.

Book information

ISBN: 9780879307677
Publisher: Backbeat
Imprint: Backbeat
Pub date:
Edition: New deluxe Revised Edition
DEWEY: 621.381535
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 187
Weight: 2276g
Height: 338mm
Width: 277mm
Spine width: 35mm