Publisher's Synopsis
It takes faith to trust in the Truth while being tried by the fire. FAITH TRUST TRUTH TRIED FIRE This book takes the reader on a journey to discover the meaning behind those five key biblical words. The understanding of Truth has the power to shake that which can be shaken, the lies of the devil, and the power to strengthen that which is unshakable. In Hebrews 12:26-27 the Word says that all creation will be shaken and only unshakable things will remain to inherit an unshakable Kingdom. The Message Bible describes this shaking as- ".a thorough housecleaning, getting rid of all the historical and religious junk so that the unshakable essentials stand clear and uncluttered." Come, dig deeper. Take a journey that will shine light on the unshakable nature of YOU. Rejoice in the revelation of the Word. Explore its treasures, and know that they are for you. Scripture describes the author of this book as a child of the Most High God, created in the image of love for the purpose of love. She has the mind of Christ, a new nature, a redeemed soul. She is sanctified, a clay vessel being molded and shaped to perfection by the Master Potter, being tried by fire for the approval of the Word. Through the blood of Christ Jesus she has the power to overcome the sins of the flesh. She is equipped with the armor of God, prepared for battle against the wiles of the enemy. All that she is, she is because of the "Great I Am" that dwells within her. Without Him she is dust. That brief description of the author is just a small taste of what the Word of God, Truth, says about all God's children.