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The Trouble With Time

The Trouble With Time An Anthology

Paperback (27 Sep 2024)

  • $16.82
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Publisher's Synopsis

Everyone at one time or another has wished that they could go back in time and change something. Perhaps to prevent a world tragedy, kill a despot, or tell an ancestor not to drive to town on a certain day. Perhaps the journey backward would be to obtain foreknowledge about the lottery, the presidential election, the stock market, or even the World Series. The reasons to wish for time travel are legion, but if the truth be told, if we could go back in time, the first thing most of us would do would be to punch our younger selves square in the face.

Changing time can have unexpected and dire results. Think "The Butterfly Effect," or "A Sound of Thunder." The scales have to balance. Good intentions often have unintended consequences and even the most benign attempts to intervene are likely to make things worse, far worse.

Twenty-two stories about time travel by talented writers from around the world, each of whom fearlessly explores the dangers and joys of time travel uniquely. Come along for the ride. There's plenty of time - or is there?

Book information

ISBN: 9798340138279
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 381g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm