The Thundro Curse (Volume 3) - Manga

The Thundro Curse (Volume 3) - Manga

Paperback (22 May 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Having been separated from his parents for so long Tapeco is anxious to be reunited with them. However, due to being parted from his parents at a young age, he struggles to remember the exact location of where he lived and became separated from them. Tapeco and Danton set out together, rather discouragingly, to begin their blind search. It finally takes a positive turn when they stumble upon Tapeco's old family den. Choosing to ignore the advice of his friend Danton, not to return to the den alone, could lead him into trouble. There's chaos on Akira's Father's airship as an ancient artifact comes under threat from pursuing thieves. Also, a well known and respected Lord and Lady are in attendance on the ship, as respective owners of the artifact. Before the thieves can make their move, a certain memorable guest aboard the airship, forces Danton into a rematch.

Book information

ISBN: 9781471715358
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 108
Weight: 136g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 6mm