Publisher's Synopsis
This is the tenth collection of the worst of the best culled from over fifty volumes of Mug & Mali's Miscellanies. In spite of threats from hoards of drunken cousins and rude bar flies, Mug and Mali published this collection of past pigswill. Readers will find the miscellany baffling and the cocktails addicting - and vice-versa. "The Tenth Edition of the Worst from Miscellany" is insolent, yet uncouth, over-shadowing such lesser works as, "How to Moon Improperly!" and "Do Trousers Matter?" It's another piece of work that will keep you up nights reading and drinking. Enjoy! The New Century Dada Press brings the mystique and power of avant-garde Dada to the 21st century. Dada was officially not a movement, its artists not artists and its art not art. Its post-World War I works rebelled against the norms of bourgeois culture and war, and included automatic collage, poetry, painting, sculpture, film, and performance art. Dada influenced Surrealism, Futurism, Cubism, Expressionism, Bobism, The Fat Earth Society, and miscellaneous authors. Here's what they're saying about Mug & Mali's "The Tenth Edition of the Worst from Miscellany: " "This is the best book I ever read." - Abraham Lincoln. "Early to rise and early to bed make a man sleepy, stupid, and dead." - Benjamin Frankly. "This book represents the ascent of the English language." - Segovia Carpet, The Paid Review. "...most of the time, to see the truly bad takes training, but not here." - Helen Wheels, USA Yesterday. "This work made me drink a whole pitcher of dry Martinis." - Ira Gurgitate, The Pittsburgh Drifter. "How do we get our money back?" - Amelia Barfup, The Hourly World News. "We would love to read this 21st Century Dada book, if we were still around." - Marcel Duchump, Hans Earp, Max Earnest, Man Raygun, Tristen Zzorro, Salvador's Deli. "This book looks like I need a drink." - Rhoda Booke, Loose Change Quarterly. "If Mug & Mali's aren't America's leading humorists, I can see why." - Isabelle Ringing, The Illiterary Journal.