The Tempest, a Comedy...

The Tempest, a Comedy... As performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. To which are added the notes of Mr. Theobald.

Publication details: Printed for J. Rivington, et al.,1775,

Rare Book

  • $662.44
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Bookseller Notes

'The range of [Theobald's] scholarship and the acumen and tact with which he applied it to the recovery and illumination of Shakespeare's texts have led modern critics and editors to characterize Theobald as "the best all-round editor of Shakespeare in [his] period or any other"' (ODNB).


with an engraved frontispiece, small hole in A3 (paperflaw), touching a letter on verso, pp. 70, [2], 12mo, disbound

Bibliography: (ESTC T65544)

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