Publisher's Synopsis
Houses have always been one of the centerpieces of American life. Houses are the places where parents raise their children, where family reunions take place, and where people live, work, and play. Americans have always realized that healthy houses can lead to healthier lives. Many of the extraordinary improvements in health that were achieved in the 20th century resulted from improvements in the Nation's homes. Although poorly maintained homes increases the risk for injury and illness, unhealthy and unsafe housing continues to affect the health of millions of people of all income levels, geographic areas, and walks of life in the United States. That is why this Surgeon General's Call to Action To Promote Healthy Homes is so important. The Call to Action describes the steps people can take now to protect themselves from disease, disability and injury that may result from health hazards in their houses. These steps have been scientifically proven to reduce health problems that cause or contribute to disease and injuries. And, improving literacy about healthy homes and teaching people about the steps they can take to change unhealthy and unsafe behaviors at home will lead to better health for all Americans. This Call to Action also outlines the next steps of a society-wide, comprehensive and coordinated approach to healthy homes that will result in the greatest possible public health impact and reduce disparities in the availability of healthy, safe, affordable, accessible, and environmentally friendly homes. As Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and as a wife, mother and homeowner concerned about the health of my family, the Surgeon General urges all Americans to embrace the holistic approach to creating healthy homes described in the Surgeon General's Call to Action To Promote Healthy Homes.