Publisher's Synopsis
Two boys lived in a village: Yoshiki and Hikaru. The two did everything together...until the day Hikaru was encompassed by a mysterious light. That was when everything changed—Hikaru most of all. Yoshiki still wishes from the bottom of his heart to always stay by his side...but is there even a Hikaru left to be with?
Yoshiki tried to pretend nothing was wrong, but the truth cannot be ignored. Hikaru is gone. “Hikaru” is here. This new version is dangerous...or perhaps not? One thing’s for sure—Yoshiki doesn’t seem to be in harm’s way. In fact, “Hikaru” seems to want nothing more than to befriend and protect him. Despite Rie’s warnings, Yoshiki chooses to extend the hand of friendship, hoping it will help “Hikaru” become more human. But in doing so, what might Yoshiki become...?