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The Stylish Life: Skiing

The Stylish Life: Skiing - Stylish Life

Hardback (11 Apr 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

From its origins in China and Scandinavia, the sport of skiing has come a long way to attract daring athletes, tourists and locals on winter holiday, the chic and wealthy leisure class, and international royalty. On the technical side, pioneering innovators developed cutting-edge equipment that, over the years, has grown skiing to become a fiercely competitive spectator sport while, on the cultural side, the exciting and well-groomed stars of the ski world and jetsetter destinations have come to define a distinctive and popular global culture and aspirational lifestyle. The Stylish Life: Skiing is a nostalgic and spectacular journey through alpine history and beyond, including this singularly unique sport's founders, superstars, influence on design and entertainment, and the evolution of its resorts, fashion, equipment, and much more.

Book information

ISBN: 9783832732660
Publisher: teNeues Verlag GmbH
Imprint: teNeues
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 1152g
Height: 236mm
Width: 386mm
Spine width: 19mm