The Struggle for Sea Power

The Struggle for Sea Power

Hardback (16 Oct 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Embark on a voyage that sails from the British Isles to far-flung colonies and territories. Navigate through wars, treaties, and explorations that extended Britain's reach from Africa to the Americas, from Asia to Australia.

M. B. Synge's narrative makes the complex tapestry of the British Empire comprehensible and engaging, serving as an entry point into understanding one of the most influential empires in world history.

Book information

ISBN: 9781761530104
Publisher: Living Book Press
Imprint: Living Book Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 372.89
Language: English
Number of pages: 210
Weight: 417g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 16mm