The Struggle Towards the Light of Liberty - Dark Minds

The Struggle Towards the Light of Liberty - Dark Minds

Paperback (16 Dec 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This confused tale is about the war in the community's subconscious. The adversaries are the pity party and the freedom fighters. The pity party believes charity is best for the crippled. It supports welfare, church programs, and non-profit funding for the lame. The party substitutes charity for the killing of the handicapped. Before 5000 years ago, the deformed were killed. When humans made government and religion, pity was sometimes exchanged for murder. This pity mindset is an ancient aspect of the subconscious, and humans act upon charity beliefs without thinking. The pity party has strong political, economic, social, academic, and religious support. The opponents of the pity party are the freedom fighters. The wealthy gave birth to the freedom fighters. At least one Pharoah, the Roman emperor, Chinese emperor, and US president had a disability who were born with wealth or acquired it. However, freedom fighters started with a law made in 1973. But recent laws cannot eliminate old subconscious beliefs about disability. Freedom fighters believe in civil rights, jobs, economic growth, education, housing, and the pursuit of happiness for people with disabilities. The pity party has been winning the war in the community subconscious, but the freedom fighters have been prevailing in court battles.

Book information

ISBN: 9781387396023
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 126
Weight: 95g
Height: 178mm
Width: 108mm
Spine width: 7mm