The Stone-Mas (Lightning In The Winter) BK 1 Gemma & Fearghas

The Stone-Mas (Lightning In The Winter) BK 1 Gemma & Fearghas

Paperback (27 Jul 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Montana, winter. A small ranch with Gemma McWyntr, owner. Family owned it in the early 1900's. Each McWyntr family had one child, not for the lack of trying. Today Gemma is the last and the family name will end.

-- A story handed down of the mysterious rock in the north pasture. Found after Christmas by the first McWyntr when checking fence lines.

-- Those that touched the rock felt the vibration. Discussion of a name and arrived with Stone-Mas. A stone found after Christmas.

-- A day when Gemma and Pop were checking fences they were near the rock when it vibrated enough to spook their horses. Finding out later that Gemma's mother had been in a car accident and died on impact. Did the rock know?

-- A romance/time travel.

-- Bk 2 is being written at this time. This will be Freddie's story.

Book information

ISBN: 9781649080332
Publisher: Pageturner, Press and Media
Imprint: Pageturner, Press and Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 358g
Height: 153mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 18mm