The Spirit of Terrorism and Other Essays

The Spirit of Terrorism and Other Essays - Radical Thinkers

Paperback (22 Jan 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Baudrillard sees the power of the terrorists as lying in the symbolism of slaughter-not merely the reality of death, but in a sacrifice that challenges the whole system. Where previously the old revolutionary sought to conduct a struggle between real forces in the context of ideology and politics, the new terrorist mounts a powerful symbolic challenge which, when combined with high-tech resources, constitutes an unprecedented assault on an over-sophisticated and vulnerable West. This new edition is up-dated with the essays 'Hypotheses on Terrorism' and 'Violence of the Global'.

About the Publisher


Verso Books is the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, publishing one hundred books a year.

Book information

ISBN: 9781781680209
Publisher: Verso
Imprint: Verso
Pub date:
DEWEY: 973.931
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 79
Weight: 106g
Height: 135mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 7mm