Publisher's Synopsis
Lovely, little Laverne is always in wonder. Everyday she sees many beautiful things. Actually she has a big part in making things beautiful in the world. Her family dusts rainbows. That's right! They are Rainbow Dusters! And they are leprechauns!
The Leprechaun family lives around a couple hundred miles north and three clouds left and five clouds right above Ireland.
Laverne loves rainbows. Even though all of Laverne's work is always awesome, she has something in her head and her heart that is telling her that there is something missing. She has a feeling that there is something that she can do to make the rainbows even more outstanding. But what is it? Laverne searches for the answer everyday. Will she ever solve this question? Or is it just Laverne's dream? No, there must be an answer somewhere, but where?
Maybe a very special, unexpected visitor can help to solve Laverne's puzzling mystery.