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The Shape of Me and Other Stuff

The Shape of Me and Other Stuff - Bright and Early Books

Paperback (29 Apr 2010)

  • $7.92
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Publisher's Synopsis

The Shape of Me and Other Stuff gives children the opportunity to identify all the amusing shapes throughout this book and match them to words. This is an important skill for 'pre-readers' and Dr. Seuss makes it extremely enjoyable!This is a blue-back book. Ideal for sharing with your child. The rhymes and repetition work with the pictures to help pre-readers recognise the words.

About the Publisher

HarperCollins Children's Books

Book information

ISBN: 9780007340958
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Imprint: HarperCollins Children's Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 92g
Height: 225mm
Width: 163mm
Spine width: 3mm