Publisher's Synopsis
In this second book of the second historical fiction thriller series by Paul Kelley, we're offered another fascinating alternative history of mankind, but this time, we're starting from the Trojan War era and going all the way up to modern-day America.
What if the history and religious books, as we've been taught them, don't have the full story? And what if history isn't only about us, but is also a story of our interconnectedness with ancient gods and otherworldly creatures? PRAISE FOR A RAY OF LIGHT (THE SEED OF RA TRILOGY - BOOK 2): "What an incredible sequel to The Seed of Ra - The Hidden's Nature and another fascinating, alternative history of Earth - this time from the Trojan War era to modern day America. It's a profound dive into the possibility of the complete interconnectedness of human beings, ancient gods and otherworldly beings. Looking forward to the third book in this trilogy and much more from Paul Kelley!" --- D. D. Scott, Bestselling Author ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Paul Kelley is Texas born and abroad grown. He has a BS in engineering, two master degrees and a PhD, amongst other academic achievements. He applies his academic training on hard data and facts to his science fiction and fantasy novels, which provides a rich authenticity. He explores the dark side of the human being, the daily usage of languages, and the stories told by multiple generations, giving his readers an exercise of their intellect and a deep immersion into the story worlds he weaves.