The Secret Locket

The Secret Locket

Paperback (17 Oct 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Secret Locket Kyla and her family are caught in a fire that only she, her horse, and her locket survive. Kyla staggers into a magical world with her horse, Silver Echo. She uncovers another side of herself and discovers that she is braver than she believed to be. In raw love, she perseveres to trust that her family is still alive, finding herself caught in battles against the Shadow Lord, the evil villain. A band of friends who teach her about the new mysterious wold join on the quest to help Kyla. But most of all, there are secrets that Kyla stumbles upon that she never knew were even possible. Discover the mystery of the secret locket...

Book information

ISBN: 9781490977713
Publisher: On Demand Publishing, LLC-Create Space
Imprint: Createspace
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 118
Weight: 136g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 7mm