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The Second Kothar the Barbarian MEGAPACK®: 2 Sword and Sorcery Novels

The Second Kothar the Barbarian MEGAPACK®: 2 Sword and Sorcery Novels

Paperback (14 Jun 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Gardner F. Fox (1911-1986) enjoyed a long and successful career writing in many genres. He wrote adventure novels, spy novels, romances, historical novels, fantasy and science fiction, comic books (more than 4,000 of them!) -- everything imaginable, in fact, and with a skill and surety that won him a legion of fans and readers worldwide.

In the 1960s, at the peak of the sword and sorcery craze, when Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian (and many similar creations) reached the pinnacle of their success, Gardner Fox created his first sword & sorcery hero: Kothar the Barbarian. Kothar's adventures spanned 5 volumes. Included in this volume are the final two books:

Kothar and the Conjurer's Curse
Kothar and the Wizard Slayer

About the Publisher

Wildside Press

Wildside Press is an independent publishing company located in Maryland, USA. It was founded in 1989 by John Betancourt and Kim Betancourt.

Book information

ISBN: 9781479422517
Publisher: Wildside Press
Imprint: Wildside Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 198
Weight: 310g
Height: 154mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 18mm