The Science of the Racer's Brain

The Science of the Racer's Brain

Paperback (01 Feb 2022)

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Hardback (01 Feb 2022) $29.44

Publisher's Synopsis

This book takes what is known about expert cognition and brain function and asks: can we use this information to understand motor racing in a new way?

Assuming no prior knowledge of driving techniques or of neuroscience, the authors break down for you the cognitive processes of the elite racing driver. Layer by layer the skills and expertise, and the sophisticated brain mechanisms behind them, are revealed in a fresh and unique way.

​​​​​​​Written by a cognitive scientist and a race driver performance analyst, fully referenced, and illustrated with 32 figures, this title blends the wonder of science with the passion and excitement of motorsport!

Book information

ISBN: 9789529458547
Publisher: Otto Lappi
Imprint: Otto Lappi
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 270
Weight: 404g
Height: 157mm
Width: 233mm
Spine width: 17mm