The Science Fair from the Black Lagoon

The Science Fair from the Black Lagoon - Black Lagoon Adventures

Paperback (01 Jan 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Mean Mrs. Green says that everyone has to invent something for the school science fair. But everyone would rather invent a way to get out of it! Hubie can't decide on what to invent and all of his friends have already started their projects! It comes down to a choice between cloning himself or building a laugh machine. But after a bad dream, he decides to build the machine. Will his innovation be enough to earn a passing grade, or will mean Mrs. Green have the last laugh?

About the Publisher



Scholastic is an award-winning publisher of original children's books. Scholastic publishes more than 600 new hardcover, paperback, and novelty books each year. The list includes the phenomenally successful publishing properties Harry Potter and Captain Underpants, the beloved series Clifford The Big Red Dog, Goosebumps, The 39 Clues, I Spy, Bone, The Magic School Bus, Fly Guy, Geronimo Stilton, and The Hunger Games trilogy.

Book information

ISBN: 9780439557177
Publisher: Scholastic
Imprint: Scholastic
Pub date:
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 60g
Height: 135mm
Width: 192mm
Spine width: 6mm