The Salmon of Knowledge Stories for Work, Life, the Dark Shadow, and Oneself

Paperback (18 Jun 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A collection of stories, analogies and metaphors that invite us to pause and consider what is really important in our lives, our work, and ourselves. They challenge us to re-connect the different parts of our lives, recognise how easy it is to get distracted by contemporary culture and the pace of modern life, and to pay attention to whatever deeper parts of ourselves seek expression.

The stories invite us to slow down, take more time to reflect, experience the world from wider perspectives, and make wiser and more sustainable choices. They invite us to put ourselves squarely in the centre of the on-going story that is our life, to take greater responsibility for connecting to what serves us, others, and the wider context, and to find a greater variety of ways to express ourselves fully through our life, our work, and everything we can be.

Varied and wide ranging, the stories are pragmatic, some spiritual, some light-hearted, some provocative, some work-related, while others still are closer to home. All of them challenge the reader to consider the life they are currently living, and ways they could deepen and enhance it for themselves, and others in a wide variety of applications and contexts.

Book information

ISBN: 9781845901271
Publisher: Crown House Publishing
Imprint: Crown House Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 158.1
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 248
Weight: 488g
Height: 234mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 18mm