The Saints' Everlasting Rest

The Saints' Everlasting Rest

Updated and abridged edition

Hardback (30 Jun 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"The Saints' Everlasting Rest is an updated abridgment of a classic text in Richard Baxter's corpus. In it he argues that we can live a godly life on earth by daily dwelling and meditating on the thought of heaven in order to prepare ourselves for it. We should focus our minds on our eternal rest, not just on the pleasures, distractions, and temptations of our earthly existence. This edition introduces the text and makes it accessible to the modern reader"--.

Book information

ISBN: 9781433578878
Publisher: Crossway
Imprint: Crossway Books
Pub date:
Edition: Updated and abridged edition
DEWEY: 242
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 183
Weight: 320g
Height: 140mm
Width: 211mm
Spine width: 24mm