Publisher's Synopsis
The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport & Physical Culture is a pivotal resource that marks the next evolutionary step in the field of qualitative research within sport and physical culture. Building on decades of methodological advancements and scholarly contributions, this handbook addresses the dynamic and expanding nature of the field. It brings together a diverse group of contributors from over a dozen countries, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, France, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Spain, the United States, and the United Kingdom, showcasing the international growth and vibrancy of qualitative research in this domain. Contributors come from a wide array of disciplinary backgrounds, such as anthropology, education, health sciences, human movement and nutrition sciences, journalism and communication, kinesiology, public health, sociology, sport and exercise psychology, sport management, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies. They explore a range of traditional and emerging topics and methodologies, from feminist inquiry and Indigenous methodologies to new materialism and political ecologies, from interviewing and ethnography to arts-based methods and participatory research, and from qualitative research developments in Asia and the Middle East to studies with fan communities and Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Organized into five parts, the handbook begins with the politics of inquiry, emphasizing the inescapable political dimensions of qualitative research including questions of reflexivity, positionality, grant funding, and co-production. It then delves into philosophies of inquiry, practices of inquiry, and sites of inquiry, and concludes with reflections and future directions. Chapters in the handbook collectively present a review of the past, a statement on the present, and a vision for the future of qualitative research in sport and physical culture. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport & Physical Culture is an essential resource for scholars, practitioners, and students seeking to engage with the latest developments and debates in qualitative research. It provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the field, equipping readers to navigate and contribute to the evolving landscape of sport and physical culture research. Part I: The Politics of Inquiry Part II: Philosophies of Inquiry Part III: Practices of Inquiry Part IV: Sites of Inquiry Part V: Conclusions.