Publisher's Synopsis
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics provides a comprehensive survey of the latest research at the intersection of linguistics, cognitive psychology, and applied linguistics, for those seeking to understand the mental architecture and processes that shape the acquisition of additional languages. The handbook represents the full complexity of second language acquisition across the lifespan, spanning childhood bilinguals and adult L2 learners, and is inclusive of heritage languages, early bilingualism and multilingualism, and language attrition.
An authoritative selection of diverse, global, leading psycholinguists synthesize the latest research to provide a thorough overview in a single volume and set the agenda for the future. The volume is organized into five key parts for ease of use: psycholinguistics across the lifespan; methods; theoretical perspectives; the psycholinguistics of learning; and transdisciplinary perspectives.
This handbook will be an indispensable resource for scholars and students of psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, applied linguistics, bilingualism, cognitive science, psychology, and research methodology.