The Rotters' Club

Hardback (22 Feb 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Jonathan Coe's new novel is set in the 1970s, but this is more than just the decade of flares and glam rock. Against a distant backdrop of strikes, terrorist attacks and growing racial tension, a group of young friends inherit the editorship of their school magazine and begin to put their own distinctive spin on to events in the wider world. A zestful comedy of personal and social upheaval, THE ROTTERS' CLUB captures a fateful moment in British politics - the collapse of 'Old Labour' - and imagines its impact on the topsy-turvy world of the bemused teenager: a world in which a lost pair of swimming trunks can be just as devastating as an IRA bomb.

About the Publisher


Viking publishes the widest possible range of literary fiction and non-fiction. Our fiction list includes John le Carré, Nick Hornby, Will Self, Colm Tóibín, Nicole Krauss, William Trevor, Catherine O' Flynn, Jonathan Coe, and Joshua Ferris. In non-fiction, the range covers current affairs, history, biography, memoir, narrative non-fiction, music and sport. Our authors include Antony Beevor, Andrew Rawnsley, Mark Bostridge, Sarah Bradford, Saul David, Catherine Bailey, Lynn Barber, Claire Tomalin and John Stubbs.

Book information

ISBN: 9780670892525
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
Imprint: Viking
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 405
Weight: 757g
Height: 241mm
Width: 165mm
Spine width: 39mm