Publisher's Synopsis
"The Right to Be Human, Philosophical and Social Approaches" is a work that examines human rights and dignity in depth. From Aristotle to Rousseau, Locke to Kant, Karl Marx, Dostoevsky, Simone de Beauvoir, Hannah Arendt, Albert Camus and Nelson Mandela, important thinkers shape the meaning of being human and the rights of individuals.
This volume meticulously brings together each thinker's ideas on the themes of freedom, equality and justice, offering the reader a rich understanding. It is dedicated to my dear students who are developing a sensitivity to human rights and to all young minds who will make valuable contributions to society.
It invites readers to reflect on the importance of defending human dignity and protecting rights, and to take an active role in doing so. It aims not only to provide a historical perspective, but also to shed light on the struggle for human rights today. We think you should not miss this work to discover the depths of being human and to participate in the search for social justice!..