The Richest Crocodile in the World

The Richest Crocodile in the World

Paperback (05 Jan 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

An absolutely delightful adventure on the African plains with the most irresistible, and richest, crocodile in the world.

You might have everything your heart desires - your very own cinema, a luxury swimming pool, hordes of motorbikes, cars and aeroplanes, and a butler called Jenkins. But something could be missing - and when you spy animals splashing and splosing at a waterhole, you just might begin to get an idea of what it is…

About the Publisher

HarperCollins Children's Books

Book information

ISBN: 9780007103874
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Imprint: HarperCollins Children's Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 192g
Height: 312mm
Width: 226mm
Spine width: 4mm