Publisher's Synopsis
Tomorrow is Hallowe'en and Hester, Ally and Zak are waiting excitedly for mama to bring home their costumes.At last they see her open the gate and trudge up the path. And, once she is inside, and the kettle is on, they get to see what costumes she has brought. Hester and Ally have super spooky Hallowe'en outfits, but Zak's is a pumpkin. A pumpkin is not grizzly, grim and ghastly...but adorable, darling and sweet. Zak can barely hide his disappointment but hangs his costume in the closet.
Next day, his sister's faces are painted to make them gruesome and evil. Zak's face is just ..well, .orange.Ands, trick or treat is just as he feared. Everyone says how adorable he is, and the more they say it, the crosser he gets! The crosser he gets, the meaner he looks, until- he is nasty, hideous and cruel the most bitter little pumpkin ever seen!