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The Raptor of the Highlands

The Raptor of the Highlands The Sylvan Chronicles, Book 3 - The Sylvan Chronicles

Paperback (25 Aug 2019)

  • $17.80
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Publisher's Synopsis

In The Raptor of the Highlands, Thomas realizes more fully the devastation of his people. Imprisoned but not defeated, he befriends Oso, a Highlander who helps him escape the mines. Clashing with the High King's reivers and destroying their prison, he and Oso begin to infuse hope once more in the people of his homeland.

The Raptor of the Highlands is the third book in The Sylvan Chronicles, a sword and sorcery, coming of age, Arthurian fantasy series.

Book information

ISBN: 9781950236046
Publisher: Kestrel Media Group LLC
Imprint: Kestrel Media Group LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 236
Weight: 277g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 13mm