Publisher's Synopsis
How many apostles did Jesus have, when he walked this earth, some 2,000 years ago?
. . . and, before we answer that question, we need to first establish the difference between 'followers, ' 'disciples, ' and 'apostles.'Remember: for a 'disciple' to be considered an 'apostle, ' he must be commissioned, or mandated, with a specific message (i.e.: "Go into all the world and make disciples...."). This is a departure from previous 'commands' Jesus had given to His disciples.Was there a previous 'mandate' given by Jesus to any group of people, or, more importantly to one person in particular?May I propose that Maryam, from the bustling sea-town of Magdala be considered as the premier "Apostle to the Apostles?" Because before there was any group-mandate (to the twelve disciples), Jesus had to re-stoke the dying embers that had just three days hence burned so fervently in the hearts of His disciples.And Jesus had just the person who could carry such a message: Jesus could always count on her, because not only did she "follow" the itinerate preacher from town to town, but she financially supported His ministry, and may very well have been responsible for "taking care of the room and board" for Jesus and his followers, as they moved from town to town! But who could have given so selflessly of herself?Some people knew her as Mary from Magdala. To her Savior she was only known as: Maryam.From the IntroductionWhat if I proved there were more than twelve apostles? What if I told you there were also women apostles? Would that challenge your faith?First and foremost, please understand I'm not suggesting any of my opinions presented here are gospel fact. Nor am I adding to the Holy Scriptures, as we are strongly cautioned against doing so (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Proverbs 30:5-6; and Revelation 22:18-19). Nor do I want to be guilty of questioning God, as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, "Did God really say ...?" (Genesis 3:1-4, NLRV). I firmly believe we are living in the Last Days. As such, I realize there will be many false prophets arising teaching many false doctrines (Matthew 24:24). That is not my intention here. Nor do I want to be counted among them!Instead, I'm asking that you open your eyes and heart to see and understand what the Holy Scriptures don't say. Just because Scripture doesn't say something doesn't mean it didn't happen. Sometimes reading between the lines helps discover what the Bible doesn't say. For example, what were the disciples doing every morning when Jesus arose very early to pray (Mark 1:35)? After an amazing day in Peter's hometown of Bethsaida (John 1:44), what excited the people? Nothing is stated in Scripture, but we know something happened!