The Progress of a Soul

The Progress of a Soul Or Letters of a Convert

Paperback (21 Apr 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

What causes a person to become a Catholic? In this series of letters we shall find the thinking of just such a convert. THERE has recently come into my possession a series of letters written by a lady about the time of her conversion to, and admission into, the Church of Rome. As usually follows such a step, friends and acquaintances inundated her with letters, some few congratulatory, but the bulk urging objections, complaining of her action, or pleading for enlightenment on her views and the causes which had led her to embrace the Catholic faith. She bestowed on her replies the utmost care and thought, and, being aware of this correspondence, I begged my friend to retain copies of her letters, if only to serve as an interesting record of her early impressions of the Church. This she agreed to do, and later, with some reluctance, gave me permission for the publication of such of her correspondence as I should judge might be most useful to non-Catholics, imposing but one condition, and that, that her personality should remain unknown. In compliance with this request, while keeping intact the main body of the letters, I have substituted imaginary names for the real ones, and in one or two instances have suppressed details which might lead to disclosure. The letters lay claim to little literary skill; they can only contribute most unworthily to the noble literature of the Church; but in so far as they are the outpouring of a newly-awakened soul and of a heart overflowing with joy and peace in the discovery of a long-desired haven, I trust they may be useful to some few seeking souls. This extract from a letter addressed to myself by the author of the correspondence forms the best introduction I can possibly offer to the letters.

Book information

ISBN: 9781484175569
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 146
Weight: 204g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 8mm