Publisher's Synopsis
More than 400 books have been published on the American musical icon, Elvis Presley. This critical, annotated guide contains reviews of the varied literature on Elvis, from his career and its social and political aspects to biographies and discographies. The annotated literature not only includes works by family, friends, and musical peers but also references and guides to Elvis collectibles. Each entry details, in addition to pertinent publishing and author information, the specific perspectives and information unique to the literature. The author provides assessments made by Elvis' peers and an introductory essay discusses the surrounding contradictions and the enduring fascination with Elvis.
By covering the vast and different Elvis literature available, this guide will appeal to scholars and fans alike. Organized by type of literature, the guide is easy to reference. Informative addenda include a guide to collecting Elvis books and a chronological listing of Elvis books. In addition to a general index, the guide is indexed by author, by songs, films, and album titles, and by books, magazines, and publications. This compilation offers valuable assistance and critical information to anyone researching some aspect of Elvis and his career.