Publisher's Synopsis
Follow along as a modern day, straight-talking, no nonsense, emotionally scarred African American woman experiences The Passion of Christ in ways she could never have imagined. Babie has reached the end of her rope and feeling empty with seemingly nothing to lose she makes what she thinks is an irreversible and final decision. Waking up to what she considers 'another failure', her life begins to change. As she travels to the time she remembers her beloved Grandmother telling her about as a child, Babie is shocked to encounter the humanity and the understanding that relates directly to her and the difficult issues she's running from. An engaging, fresh retelling of the life and times of Christ that you may not be expecting but will enjoy tremendously. The author simply retells this well-known and revered tale that's filled with compassion and understanding but she adds humor, straight forward, colorful commentary and a unique personal perspective that takes the concept of what you may have known and presents it to you again in a new way. The Price of the Passion introduces the unspoken truth that although Christ's love for all is free; it costs you something. The only question is are you willing to pay that price.