Publisher's Synopsis
"New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men's hearts first." (spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 1972)
"We are not great, we are but messengers of God, and we are here to prepare a way. For there shall be a thousand years of peace upon thy earth, but not as thy would count, but as God would count. And the time grows near that the Messiah shall be known to thee; therefore, sometimes we should be, or seem to be, impatient for our search for souls." (June 16, 1970)
At his last Passover supper, Jesus lovingly promised: "I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever - the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you." (John 14:16-18)A new comet was discovered 1,936 years later while the world was celebrating the Christ-child's birth, December 28, 1969. It came as a sign of a gift God may soon be giving to Earth, to all who wish to receive.
As the heavenly light grew brighter, it passed over Earth on March 26, 1970, the day (Holy Thursday) many were reading Jesus' farewell words. In early April, its radiance shone for all the world to see.
God has sent His spiritual messengers again to Earth in answer to Jesus' prayer.
They began to speak to us - and to the world - from a town called, Globe, through an unconscious man. Ray Elkins died and was given life back and a gift from "one with more love in his eyes than anyone he'd ever seen." He was asked to give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love it was given to him. We first recorded their voice on April 3, 1970. Although we didn't know it, this was the same day Jesus gave his farewell promise, and said, "I am coming back to you."For the next 19 years, the voice spoke in such love - giving guidance, healing, teachings, parables, and prophecies.
Three months after the spiritual messengers of God arrived on Earth, they said: "Now, thy would ask again of us, who comes to you, and from where we came?
"For we were sent for one who asked God. And he who sent [us] and asks did say, 'Father, send Thy these who would teach, and send Thy these who would know of my Father.' There were those before him who did the same...." [See John 13-16, Revelation 5:1-7.]
"We have made ourselves known to you as our Father has suggested." (July 15, 1970)
"And as we have said before, we are not great. We are here for but one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah - and that he may walk upon holy ground.
"Then we should say unto thee these words. Blessed are they who should worship unto our Father. Blessed are they who should give unto the poor. And blessed are they who should give glory unto our Father this day....
"Your Father did bring upon your earth His firstborn child, therefore, to show unto His children the truth of our Father's Law, and to fulfill the prophecies of the prophets. And therefore, once again these prophecies shall be fulfilled upon thy earth. We have...many messages that we should give unto thee from our Father." (September 24, 1971) "As I have spoke of the birth of a child, the birth of the return of the Messiah of earth - a child shall be born, for he shall lead the souls of the earth plane, as he shall lead the souls of our plane. And...I say "not as I, but as we," for we are here to prepare a way for his coming. If our coming is successful, then all shall be in readiness and God's plan shall be told to thee in completion. Now - now shall be the time of the Cherub." (June 6, 1970) The the angels' words on the "coming of the Messiah" are gathered for you in this book published by the Association of Universal Philosop