Publisher's Synopsis
KatieBroken, castaway, and forgotten, I started to find myself again and become the woman I'd always wanted to be. But I let the ghosts of the past hold me until I spilled it all to my best friend, Beth, after I saw him again.It was as if everything I went through and the years apart didn't change how just seeing Chamberlain affected me. I need to stay strong and not let him in my heart and soul again to just break me once more.But I have questions of my own for why and how he could break my heart like that leading me to temptation.ChamberlainVanished, disappeared, and taking my heart with her. I spent endless hours looking for the girl who got away, only those hours led to days, then weeks, months, and now years.I finally found Katie.My panda.My everything.My always.But she wants nothing to do with me, fleeing from me every chance I get close enough to her. I'm desperate, leading me to do anything to talk to her, win my girl back, and have a life with her.I made my dreams come true, but it amounts to nothing without the woman I love by my side. I'm really banking on changing her mind and making her mine once and for all, because right there in my corner is where she belongs.Who ever said a predator couldn't help heal?