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The Politics of the Judiciary

The Politics of the Judiciary

5th Edition

Paperback (04 Oct 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This classic account of how the judiciary cannot act neutrally, but must act politically, now in its fifth edition

John Griffith's controversial book has been fully revised and updated to consider the latest developments in relations between politicians and the judiciary: Michael Howard's conflict with the judges, miscarriages of justice, the Criminal Justice Act, the increased use of Judicial Review, the effects of anti-trade union legislation of the 1980s, and so on.

'An instant classic… it is the achievement of Professor Griffith's book to life the debate to an altogether better level… he has, in effect, thrown down the gauntlet to any believer in the neutrality of the judiciary, or in its independence from government.' Guardian

'Present in detail, cogently and without hysteria, a controversial view.' The Times

'A stimulating and provocative study.' TImes Educational Supplement.

About the Publisher

Fontana Press

Book information

ISBN: 9780006863816
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Imprint: Fontana Press
Pub date:
Edition: 5th Edition
DEWEY: 347.41014
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 376
Weight: 346g
Height: 196mm
Width: 132mm
Spine width: 26mm