Publisher's Synopsis
Performance coaching needs practice. As with many day-to-day management skills, it's a mistake to expect managers to understand what they need to do and be motivated to do it, without help and support. What managers need are the techniques and models associated with performance coaching and a chance to practise them. - - The Performance Coach contains everything you need to develop your managers as performance coaches, through an intense three-day workshop and a series of action learning sessions. - - The seventeen workshop sessions include models, activities and practical coaching sessions. The whole programme is designed to enable your managers to bring their own coaching issues with them; to receive skilled coaching and develop effective coaching skills. - - Accreditation - All of the material has been accredited by Middlesex University, which ensures the quality and rigour of the content. - - The link with the National Centre for Work Based Learning Partnerships at Middlesex University also means that organizations can (if they wish) seek accreditation for their managers through the PDF Centre for Professional Development. To achieve the certificate, managers will need to: - - - complete successfully the programme of workshops and action learning sessions, - - be able to build a convincing personal learning portfolio, demonstrating their competence as a performance coach and - - design and write up a work-based project of 4,000 words on performance coaching. - - The post-graduate certificate in performance coaching that successful managers will be awarded is a nationally recognized qualification (and the credits it generates can be used towards a further post-graduate qualification, if the individual wishes to take their development further). - - The Performance Coach is a complete and rigorous set of training materials that give every organization the means to improve and increase their performance coaching. The accreditation process, which is entirely optional, offers potential coaches an incentive to become involved and use their skills in the workplace.