Publisher's Synopsis
Objectives: to involve pediatric teachers and residents in an experiment to evaluate their theoretical and practical training in the current curriculum, in order to improve certain aspects of this reform of the third cycle of medical studies in pediatrics.Study population and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive survey of pediatric residents and teaching staff at university hospitals. We included pediatric residents who had completed their medical studies at the 4 Tunisian faculties of medicine, and pediatric hospitalists at the 4 faculties of medicine.Results: During the study period, we received 50 responses from residents and 40 responses from teachers, representing a participation rate of 29.76% and 50% respectively. A predominance of women was noted. Thirty-two teachers (80%) used audiovisual means in their training. Nearly 90% of residents said they had benefited from lectures. Conclusion: Overall, residents and teachers tend to agree with current learning and assessment methods.