Publisher's Synopsis
The 3D identity you have lived out, consciously and unconsciously, was chosen by your soul, your oversoul, your highest expression of you, and God. But you have lived unconsciously for far too long, hindering the growth of your soul and, more importantly, hurting and polluting Gaia, the nucleus and epicenter of the intergalactic community. Because of your unconscious, blind following of the 3D rules that were falsely given to you, your soul's compass and remembrance lens are askew. The Path to Awakening seeks to spark recognition in you and awaken your true self-who you really are. It serves the purpose of awakening within your soul, your DNA, and your soul map of who your soul is and why you are here-here, there, and everywhere. Most importantly, this guide illustrates your role in awakening the rest of humanity, ushering in the end times of the false 3D collective programming, and beginning the New Age, the new earth, and the healed Gaia. Heed these words, and your soul will rise and ascend and realign to its highest purpose, the Godhead energy, and the Christ energy. You are not here to slumber through existence like an unconscious drone. You serve the most important purpose: to awaken yourself to the truth and save Gaia. This spiritual study offers an ascended master's guide to understanding the complexities of ascension, spirituality, earth, angels, and the end times, exploring who God really is.